

#include "oxygen/oxy_gui.h"
oxy_gui contains many simple GUI routines that make development much easier. For example, there is a battery routine that renders a battery icon displaying the current battery percent. There are also way much more ... read the definitions section.

API Documentation


Alvajoy "Alvajoy123" Asante


 struct oxy_stringinput_t 
Struct for storing data related to a string input.

Public Members
 int charsamount 
The number of characters in the input string.
 char *text 
A pointer to the input string.
 uint8_t type 
The type of input (e.g. numeric, alphabetic, etc.).
 bool forced_exit 
A flag indicating whether the input was forced to exit.
 uint8_t max_char 
The maximum number of characters allowed in the input string.

 void oxy_Message(const char *title, char *message) 
Renders enders a message on the screen. This function displays a message on the screen with the given title.

 void oxy_Dialogue(const char *title, char *message, struct oxy_button_t **buttons) 
Renders a message with buttons. This function displays a message on the screen with the given title and a list of buttons.

 char *oxy_StringInput(const char title[], uint16_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t maxchar); 
Gets string input from the user. This function prompts the user to enter a string of input with the given title.

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